06-23-2016 Breaking news: U.S. Supreme Court, split 4-4, blocks Obama immigration plan. The DAPA and expanded DACA programs will NOT become the law. Only original DACA deferred action program still stands.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling said only the following:
"“The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court.”
The court did not issue a ruling on the merits of the main legal question. Therefore, its action set no legal precedent to bind future presidents. The decision indicates that any major immigration policy change that would address the long-term situation of the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally would have to be enacted by Congress.
Please note that today’s Supreme Court decision doesn’t impact the original DACA deferred action from 2012. Current DACA program is not affected by the Supreme Court’s decision. However, it's possible that the next President could end the DACA program.
DACA beneficiaries must continue renewing their status and work permits 120 days in advance before the expiration date.
Those who qualify and were waiting to apply because they were not 15 years old yet or for any other reason (lack of money to pay the fee or missing a document), can apply for the first time as well when you are ready if you were under 31 years of age on June 15, 2012.
Note: The Obama Administration and USCIS is expected to announce the expansion of the I-601A provisional hardship waiver program in the near future. It could be helpful to many immigrants.
Верховный Суд США принял решение оставить в силе запрет на иммиграционную реформу администрации Обамы. Только первая иммиграционная реформа от 15 июня 2012 остается в силе (действие этого решения суда на нее не распространяется). Помните, что следующий Президент вправе отменить полностью программу DACA, так как она была введена в силу через акт исполнительной власти, а не Конгрессом.
На практике это означает, что те, кто подпадает под действие закона от 15 июня 2012, могут продолжать подавать в иммиграционную службу США как первичное заявление на статус DACA deferred action, так и заявление на продление статуса и разрешение на работу, work permit, когда им исполнится 15 лет, и если им не было 31 года на 15 июня 2012.
Read here.