Thankfully, many of these fears are unfounded. However, the climate of fear created by the public charge rule has hampered efforts to respond to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This put people’s lives at risk.
Do people with green cards need to worry about using government services due to the coronavirus? No. The current public charge rule applies to people already in the United States who are seeking to obtain a green card, as well as those in another country seeking a visa to come to the U.S. The new rule also requires those seeking to extend or change their nonimmigrant status to submit information on public benefits use. But it does not apply the full public charge test to those individuals.
This means that lawful permanent residents—those who already have green cards—do not need to worry about triggering the harsh effects of the public charge rule by using government services during the coronavirus.
Does filing for unemployment put someone at risk under public charge? No. When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published the public charge rule, it made clear that receiving unemployment benefits is not considered to be receiving a “public benefit.” This is because unemployment is an “earned benefit” that workers pay into with their paychecks. This includes Medicare and Social Security.
Not every immigrant laid off due to COVID-19 will be eligible for unemployment. People seeking to file for unemployment generally must be legally authorized to work. Some states extend unemployment benefits to individuals with DACA, while others do not.
Does receiving government support for a coronavirus test put someone at risk under public charge?No. Guidance posted on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website says that “USCIS will neither consider testing, treatment, nor preventative care (including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID-19 as part of a public charge inadmissibility determination.”
This is true even if someone pays for the treatment through a benefit which would normally count against them. Again, this includes Medicaid.
The rule itself also exempts the use of Medicaid benefits for treatment of an “emergency medical condition.” Immigrants should not worry about using emergency Medicaid if they become sick with the virus and need treatment.
Could a period of unemployment due to the coronavirus put someone at risk under public charge?Maybe. The public charge rule operates like a wealth test. Immigrants who are laid off due to the coronavirus could have their diminished financial wellbeing counted against them if they apply for a green card in the future or are forced to rely on public benefits to survive.
However, USCIS has indicated that individuals in that situation should provide additional evidence along with their application for a green card. They can explain that the hardship was due to COVID-19.
The agency says it will “take all such evidence into consideration in the totality of the [immigrant’s] circumstances,” indicating that they will likely provide leeway in that event.
More here.