The U.S. Department of State suspended operations at U.S. Embassy Kyiv, effective February 28, 2022. All in-person consular services in Ukraine are suspended until further notice. U.S. citizens seeking emergency assistance and those who decide to remain in Ukraine should complete this online form and the State Department will respond. U.S. citizens may also seek consular services, including requests for repatriation loans, passport, and visa services, at U.S. embassies and consulates in neighboring countries.
U.S. citizens seeking emergency assistance and those who decide to remain in Ukraine should complete this online form and the State Department will respond.
Эта форма для контакта с американским правительством для американских граждан, оставшихся на территории Украины. Подайте онлайн форму и с вами свяжутся. В тоже время, американское правительство не может оказать помощь по вашей эвакуации с Украины, так как посольство США было эвакуировано из страны и все консульские услуги прекращены 28 февраля 2022.
The U.S. government will not be able to evacuate U.S. citizens from Ukraine. Please review what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas. U.S. citizens may seek consular services, including requests for repatriation loans, passport, and visa services, at U.S. embassies and consulates in neighboring countries.
Travel advisory is here.
CONTACT and ASSISTANCE form for US citizens is here.