U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which handles immigrant visa and naturalization petitions, could be overwhelmed by the surge in workload later this year even if it hires an additional 1,000 workers as planned.
USCIS is expected to receive 4.5 million new DACA and DAPA deferred action applications in the coming months.
Congressional Republicans say Obama has overstepped his constitutional bounds and are trying to pass legislation to block funding for his immigration policies but Democrats in the Senate on Tuesday derailed the Republican effort. As the legislative battle continues, funding for the entire Department of Homeland Security, of which USCIS is a part, runs out at the end of February.
"The administration has informed this committee that it plans to hire 1,000 new workers" to process the applications, Bellocchi said, but "questions immediately surface whether this number will be sufficient without creating extreme backlogs."
He said new workers would have to process and adjudicate 4,500 applications each during the six-month target period. "Including weekends, that would mean 25 to 27 applications per day for 1,000 adjudicators," Bellocchi, who is now an immigration attorney in the private sector, told the committee.
USCIS has roughly 13,000 full-time officers and 5,000 contractors and they handle most applications on paper. Read at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/04/us-usa-congress-immigration-idUSKBN0L81Q320150204
***Our office is ready to provide legal assistance to DACA and DAPA applicants.
DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) is a new deferred action program. It was expected that DAPA application period will open around May 20, 2015. It means that USCIS is not accepting DAPA applications just yet (applications from parents of US citizen children and lawful permanent resident children). You can start work on preparing your supporting documents for USCIS, however, you have to wait to file until USCIS is ready. New application forms and official guidelines are expected to be released in May 2015. As of February 16, 2015, both expanded DACA and DAPA have been placed on hold until further notice. Avoid notario scam and don't pay anyone to submit your DAPA applications until it's been announced by the USCIS that they start accepting applications. It might be later than May 2015, if a federal case is still pending. If you need help please email an attorney at [email protected] .***